Black and Tan

Presented By The National Ranger Association and The US Army Ranger Association. The purpose of the Black and Tan link up is to leverage an event that brings Rangers, and businesses that support Rangers, together in one geographic area. Black and Tan convenes the Ranger community for one night to reunite, intentionally network to grow business opportunities, and fundraise for a Ranger centric cause. Bringing together the Ranger community is advantageous to networking and supporting one another for corporate and philanthropic endeavors.

We deserve the time together.  It is needed sacred time to champion one another. There are too many Rangers doing great things in business to not be more connected. This is an opportunity to expand existing friendships, re-connect with old Ranger buddies and to make some new ones.

Black and Tan exists to build business through brotherhood:

  1. Ranger Veterans of all age

  2. Corporations supporting Ranger activities

  3. Nonprofit leaders supporting the Ranger communityThe most important thing is your presence. 

Please let us know if you would like to contribute (beyond registration) in a meaningful way.  You may contribute here, make a pledge or email us at  Questions?  Call Candyss Bryant at 706-718-9520. 

Checks should be made out to National Ranger Association (with Black and Tan in the notes section).  Checks may be sent to:  National Ranger Association, PO Box 52871, Fort Moore, GA  31995.


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